After a car crash, you have a lot of things to consider which may cause you to worry at times. That includes dealing with a lack of transportation.
A replacement vehicle could be provided to you if the accident was not your fault. The insurance company of the person who caused the accident will be responsible for covering the cost.
One of the most important tips when getting a replacement car is not to settle for just any car. You’re the one who was hit, and it wasn’t your fault. There should be as little inconvenience on your side as possible. You want a like for like replacement. Although it might not be the same make and model, you shouldn’t have to drive something far inferior to your own car.
By working with a reputable rental company, you will be able to get a replacement vehicle after a car accident and have it be as close to yours as possible, including small, fuel-efficient vehicles, luxury cars, or even SUV’s.
Our fleet should have something available similar to your vehicle or a vehicle that you will hopefully be more than happy with, allowing you to get behind the wheel and feel as though not much has changed. While it’s still not your vehicle, if it’s at least close, then it won’t feel like the end of the world.
Another tip to follow when trying to get a replacement car after an accident that was not your fault is to make sure you don’t pay any out of pocket expenses. You might be thinking that the only way to get a rental car is for you to pay out-of-pocket. Even if your insurance company does not provide you with a courtesy car, we will in most cases be able to assist.
You have to remember that you are the one who’s been inconvenienced. You were driving along when someone else hit you. It wasn’t your fault, and therefore you shouldn’t have to pay. You don’t have to be out of pocket. You just need to know what your options are.
Many insurance companies aren’t quick to advise of all that you’re entitled to as their job is to help with the repair side of things and save money also. However, it is provided, and therefore you should be ready to take advantage of it.
If you get a rental car on your own by paying for it from one of the mainstream hire car companies and then try to get reimbursed or recover the hire car costs on your own, it could be months before you see the money – and that’s if you see it at all.
Basically if you find yourself saying it wasn’t my fault after an accident you were involved in then under Australian Law you are entitled to a replacement car. Insurance companies don’t readily advertise this given the fact that they will be the ones paying for the costs incurred. The simplest, most convenient way to ensure you get what you’re entitled to without incurring any unnecessary costs is to use the quick online service provided by Not My Fault so that our team may endeavour to get you into the appropriate vehicle as soon as possible.

If you weren’t at fault in the accident and your car has been written off you are still entitled to a replacement car. You can still apply online and you will be advised as to how long you can have the replacement car for.